🎯 Objectives

In this tutorial, you will learn

🔧 Preparation

Make sure to downlod the R package rvest to be ready for today’s class

🌏 Background

Alone is an American survival competition series on History. It follows the self-documented daily struggles of 10 individuals (seven paired teams in season 4) as they survive alone in the wilderness for as long as possible using a limited amount of survival equipment. With the exception of medical check-ins, the participants are isolated from each other and all other humans. They may “tap out” at any time, or be removed due to failing a medical check-in. The contestant who remains the longest wins a grand prize of $500,000 (USD) (increasing to $1 million in season 7).

From Alone wikipedia

💽 Exercise 1

Visit the wikipedia page for the Alone TV Series and identify the basic elements that make up the page.

# First read the web page into R
alone_url <- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alone_(TV_series)"
alone_web_data <- read_html(alone_url) 
  1. How many tables are on there on the page?
alone_tables <- alone_web_data |> 

num_tables = length(alone_tables)

On the webpage there are 5 tables.

  1. How many paragraphs are there?
alone_paragraphs <- alone_web_data |> 

num_paras = length(alone_paragraphs)

On the webpage there are 5 tables.

  1. Identify and scrape the table containing the past series winners.
table_series_winners = alone_tables |> 
  purrr::pluck(2) |>
  html_table(header = TRUE) 

table_series_winners |>
  kbl() |>
Season Subtitle Location Episodes Episodes Originally aired Originally aired Days Lasted Winner(s)
Season Subtitle Location Episodes Episodes First aired Last aired Days Lasted Winner(s)
1 Port Hardy, British Columbia 11 11 June 18, 2015 (2015-06-18) August 20, 2015 (2015-08-20) 56 Alan Kay
2 Port Hardy, British Columbia 15 15 April 21, 2016 (2016-04-21) July 14, 2016 (2016-07-14) 66 David McIntyre
3 Patagonia, Argentina 12 12 December 8, 2016 (2016-12-08) February 9, 2017 (2017-02-09) 87 Zachary Fowler
4 Lost & Found Quatsino, British Columbia 12 12 June 15, 2017 (2017-06-15) August 17, 2017 (2017-08-17) 75 Jim and Ted Baird
5 Redemption Selenge Province, Mongolia 12 12 June 14, 2018 (2018-06-14) August 16, 2018 (2018-08-16) 60 Sam Larson
6 The Arctic Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories 11 11 June 6, 2019 (2019-06-06) August 22, 2019 (2019-08-22) 77 Jordan Jonas
7 Million Dollar Challenge Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories 11 11 June 11, 2020 (2020-06-11) August 20, 2020 (2020-08-20) 100 Roland Welker
8 Grizzly Mountain Chilko Lake, British Columbia 11 11 June 3, 2021 (2021-06-03) August 19, 2021 (2021-08-19) 74 Clay Hayes
9 Nunatsiavut, Labrador 11 11 May 26, 2022 (2022-05-26) August 4, 2022 (2022-08-04) 78 Juan Pablo Quiñonez
10 Reindeer Lake, Saskatchewan 11 11 June 8, 2023 (2023-06-08) August 17, 2023 (2023-08-17) 66 Alan Tenta
Specials 8 8 April 14, 2016 (2016-04-14) June 8, 2023 (2023-06-08)
  1. Identify and scrape the text that was used to create the Background text for this tutorial.
para_2 = alone_paragraphs |>
  purrr::pluck(2) |>

If you want to get the extract text from the background, you’ll need some string handling.

bkgd_str_end = str_locate(para_2, "season 7\\)\\.")[2]
background_str = str_sub(para_2, 1, bkgd_str_end)

🧮 Exercise 2

Explore the data you’ve pulled down from the webpage.

  1. Process the table and extract how long the winners spent in the Wild.
# Remove the duplicate row
table_series_winners = table_series_winners[-1, ]

time_in_wild = table_series_winners |>
  select(Season, `Days Lasted`) |>
  mutate(`Days Lasted` = as.numeric(`Days Lasted`),
         Season = as.numeric(Season)) |>
  filter(Season != "Specials")
## Warning: There were 2 warnings in `mutate()`.
## The first warning was:
## ℹ In argument: `Days Lasted = as.numeric(`Days Lasted`)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! NAs introduced by coercion
## ℹ Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 1 remaining warning.
  1. Plot your result. Is the time spent in the wild increasing as the seasons go on?
ggplot(time_in_wild, aes(x = Season, y = `Days Lasted`)) +
  geom_point() + 

There is no clear trend that the number of days in the wild is increasing with the number of seasons.

This result is interesting as one might expect (i) participants to learn from each other as the show goes on and (ii) that the pool of skilled candidates would increase with show popularity. Both of which would increase time in the wild. Perhaps, these factors do not matter relative to the difficulty of surviving in the wild.

Note there is also a confounding variable here of location. Different locations increase the difficulty of surviving in the wild.

📍 Exercise 3

  1. Discuss in groups, how you would you automate getting the time all contestants spent in the wild from Seasons 1 - 10.

Start by looking at the different season websites, their web address and how the website is structured. Look for common elements and any edge case exceptions that may create challenges when writing code.

It appears that there is table under a header called Results, that stores all the data about the contestants. In this table there is a column containing the number of days in the wild. However the entries of this column are not numeric, eg. 56 days. To get the number from this string we will need string handling. We will also need to be careful of whether the string was days or hours.

  1. Write some pseudo code and identify potential edge cases that would need to be handled to web scrape the time contestants spent in the wild from Seasons 1 - 10.
  1. Generalise the url string for each season so we can pull the data into R
  2. Create code to get the table from the web page
  3. Create a new column in that table that has numeric entries for days lasted
  4. Combine the tables for each season data together
  5. Wrangle table into format for plotting / analysis
  1. Pull this data into R and plot how long people were in the wild on the different seasons. Start with one season. ADVANCED generalise your approach to all seasons.

Step 1: Generalise the url string

season_number = 1
season_url_start = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alone_season_"
season_url = paste(season_url_start, season_number, sep = "")
season_data = read_html(season_url)

Step 2: Get code to pull the table from the website

table_ref = ".wikitable"
table_data_raw = season_data |> 
  html_nodes(table_ref) |> #xpath = table_xpath
  html_table(header = TRUE) |>

# This is not robust coding - could easily break
# Ideally one should look for the results header and find the next table

Step 3: Create a new column for days lasted

# Get season table
table_data =  table_data_raw |>
  mutate(Days = as.numeric(str_match(Status, "[:digit:]+"))) |>
  mutate(Days = if_else(str_detect(Status, "[Hh]ours"), Days/24, Days))

Step 4a: Combine the tables together

# Combine the above code into one function we can use to run the code for the 
#different seasons
Wrapper_function <- function(season_number){
  season_url_start = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alone_season_"
  season_url = paste(season_url_start, season_number, sep = "")
  season_data = read_html(season_url)
  table_ref = ".wikitable"
  table_data_raw = season_data |> 
    html_nodes(table_ref) |> #xpath = table_xpath
    html_table(header = TRUE) |>
  table_data <- table_data_raw |>
    mutate(Days = as.numeric(str_match(Status, "[:digit:]+"))) |>
    mutate(Days = if_else(str_detect(Status, "[Hh]ours"), Days/24, Days))

# Run the code for each season 
num_seasons = 10
season_table_list = vector("list", num_seasons)
for(i in 1:num_seasons){
  print(paste("Season", i))
  season_table_list[[i]] = Wrapper_function(season_number = i) |>
    mutate(Season = i) |> # add a season reference
    mutate(Order = row_number()) # add a row reference
## [1] "Season 1"
## [1] "Season 2"
## [1] "Season 3"
## [1] "Season 4"
## [1] "Season 5"
## [1] "Season 6"
## [1] "Season 7"
## [1] "Season 8"
## [1] "Season 9"
## [1] "Season 10"

Step 5: Wrangle and extract the data from the tables for plotting

# Combine the data together into a single tidy data frame
season_table_combined = bind_rows(season_table_list) |>
  mutate(Season = as.factor(Season))

# Example plot - Spaghetti
ggplot(season_table_combined) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = Order, y = Days, 
                col = Season, group = Season)) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Order, y = Days, 
                col = Season, group = Season)) +

We see there is one season that has a different number of contestants than another. Closer inspection reveals this season the contestants competed in pairs. We would need to handle this season as a different case.

From the plot we observe the Season 1 contestants went home earlier compared with other seasons. We also observe that in the later seasons the first contestants last longer compared with the earlier seasons.

  1. The reasons people leave the show can be quite varied, from medical reasons, to fear, accidents and to missing family. Is there any easy way to scrape and analyse the common reasons people leave? Discuss the challenges.

No, there is no easy way to do this. One approach might be to perform a text analysis on the reasons people leave looking for common words / categories. You could also define these categories manually. Then you could perform a “fuzzy” matching, which is a partial string matching to see which reasons people leave best match the main categories. Grouping any niche reasons into an other category.

Material developed by Dr Kate Saunders