



There are no lectures, tutorials or consultations during the mid-semester break. You are expected to attend the lecture and ONE tutorial stream. Please see your timetable for which tutorial stream you are scheduled in.

Note that there is a weekly quiz that is due on Friday at 10:00 AM.

Start Date Week Lecturer Slides Tutorial Topic Readings Assessments
0 Course information Quizzes are due weekly
Feb 27 1 Kate   Open data: definitions, sources and examples Extra reading: Data in the wild ; The World Bank Open Data Essentials (and the Open Data for Data Users introduction lesson) ; European Data Portal lesson What is Open Data?
Mar 05 2 Kate   Introduction to data collection methods Extra reading: Khan Academy Types of statistical studies (brief and good starting point) Byrne on Data collection (very extensive)
Mar 12 3 Kate   Case study: US air traffic Extra reading: Working with databases, 2009 Data Expo, and follow links , Short paper on analysis and code , Animation of air traffic on one day, Animation code
Mar 19 4 Kate   Case study: Australian census Extra reading: the DataPacks User Guide Assignment 1 is due
Mar 26 5 Kate   Case study: Australian election data Extra reading: Chapter 3 of Kobakian (2020) New algorithms for effectively visualising Australian spatio-temporal disease data, Reprojecting geographic data from Geomcomputation with R
Apr 02 6 Kate   Case study: Combining Australian census and election data Extra reading: Forbes, Cook & Hyndman (2020) Spatial modelling of the two-party preferred vote in Australian federal elections: 2001–2016
Midsemester Break (1 week)
Apr 16 7 Kate   Case study: Mortgage default Extra reading: Bellini, T. (2019). Chapter 2—One-Year PD. In T. Bellini (Ed.), IFRS 9 and CECL Credit Risk Modelling and Validation (pp. 31–89). Academic Press.](https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814940-9.00010-4) Assignment 2 is due
Apr 23 8 Kate   Data ethics Extra reading: OKeefe, K., & Brien, D. O. (2018). Ethical data and information management: concepts, tools and methods. Chapter 2 (ebook available through Monash library) Belmont report; National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (section 2, Chapters 5.1, 5.2) ; ; Ethics in statistical practice and communication: Five recommendations
Apr 30 9 Kate   Data ethics and privacy
May 07 10 Kate   Introduction to web scraping Assignment 3 is due
May 14 11 Michael   Case study: COVID-19 case data and the timing of lockdowns
May 21 12 Kate   On the proper care and feeding of wild data Required reading: Data Organization in Spreadsheets; A Realistic Guide to Making Data Available Alongside Code to Improve Reproducibility; Ten Simple Rules for the Care and Feeding of Scientific Data
May 28 13 Assignment 4 is due
